NDN Academy stands as a global hub for entrepreneurship and leadership development, with face to face and online training programs for C Suite, next generation management executives and high-potential talents.

Workshops can be tailor-made using the topics below for your company
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Intrepreneurship
- China Growth
- Mega Trends
- DATA Analytics
- UX/CX & UI

Interested? Contact us for more information.
NDN Insight

3 Big Opportunities To Seize During Economic Downturn
An economic downturn can often spur businesses to greater heights. When economic downturn hits global economy amid the coronavirus, long-term success is predicated on enterprises leaders’ capabilities to see through the crisis of economic downturn and seize the business growth opportunities.

How Brands Drive Young Chinese Consumers’ Engagement
Chinese and global brands are casting their eyes on young Chinese consumers as Millennial and Generation-Z consumers will become the main consumer group for businesses

Explore the Benefits of Blockchain Applications for Your Business
A reckoning force across industries, blockchain is impacting the world beyond cryptocurrency.
Connect With Us
We help your business achieve the extraordinary success. Drop us a line at info@ndngroup.com.cn and let’s start our bold work together.
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Contact Info
- E: info-sh@ndngroup.com
- T: +852 2831 1888 (Hong Kong)
- T: +86 21 5569 9879 (Shanghai)
- T: +1 646 726 3553 (New York)
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